Saturday, February 04, 2006

I tried to run down the stairs again today but Dad stopped me before I could get very far. I just wanted to see what Bella and Twyla were doing outside with Mom. I made Dad take me out at 3AM this morning cause I really had to pee. I also made him take me back out around 6AM. Mom slept all night and woke late. I guess she doesn't have to pee so much.

My good friends Mike and Tamela come over for dinner and Tamela brought me a toy, but Twyla stole it and has been dragging it around ever since. It's OK, even if the toy was intended for me. I guess she needs it being the baby of the family and all.

It will be good to have the cardiologist back this coming week; Mom and Dad want to ask about my coughing. It's more frequent than it was last week, but I seem to be much better so they're confused about how much they should worry about the cough.

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